Writings From Rabbi Dr. Daniel Schur, zt"l

Rabbi Schur, o.b.e.
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Schur, of blessed memory, was Rav of Heights Jewish Center from 1974 to 2006.

|Teaching from the Torah| |Assimilation| |The Month of Weddings|

|Chanukah| |Can We Do Anything?| |Bigness and Yom Kippur|

|Continuing the Legacy| |The Shohet and Kosher Butcher| |High Holy Days|

|Jerusalem, the Eternal City| |The Jewish Home| |Dietary Laws|

|Torah of Man or of God?| |The Jewish Observancy Schism|

|Pluralism in Jewish History| |Intermarriage|

|Environmental Influence| |Ritual Circumcision| |Seventeen Years|

|Chanukah - A Prescription for Peace| |Jewish Ceremonies|

|Ingathering in Israel| |Tisha B'Av| |The Jewish Spirit|

|Variance of Behavior Patterns Towards Ritual Circumcision (Thesis)|

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